To set up your FormsIntel configuration for HubSpot, you need the following:
- You must be an admin in your SalesIntel account.
- You must have access to the form in question in HubSpot.
- You must have access to the landing page where the form is hosted (in HubSpot or on your own site). If you do not have direct access to either of these, you will need to find someone who does, once you get to this step.
Get your form ready
It's typically best to start with a new form or a non-active form, so that you can make changes without impacting live form collection. Configure your form as you would normally, but consider which fields you want to leave to FormsIntel to fill. Remember that FormsIntel cannot fill your forms 100% of the time, due to data availability, so if there is data that you cannot proceed without, you probably want to have your prospect complete those. However, FormsIntel will fill contact data separately from company data, if there is data available for one but not the other.
There are three types of fields:
- Match field: The match field is the field that FormsIntel will use to match the contact and company data. This is always the field that contains the email address.
- Required field: This is any field that you absolutely must have for your workflows (e.g. first and last name are quite commonly required). Your prospects will need to complete all required fields, so it's best to consider only what you really need to keep your form short.
- Filled field: These are the fields that will be filled in by FormsIntel enrichment.
- It's recommend that you hide these fields from the prospect's view, so that they can't see the fill behavior.
- Do not make these fields required - if they are required but FormsIntel cannot fill them in, that will impact the form submission process.
- Be careful about the field type used; it's best to use minimal restrictions on field contents. If you require certain content standards (length, characters, picklists, etc), and SalesIntel does not return compatible data, that will impact the form submission process.
Once your form is ready, you can move on to configuration in SalesIntel.
SalesIntel Form Configuration
Within SalesIntel, configure your form to identify the fields for which you want data and generate the fill script.
First, go to the FormsIntel tab, in the navigation bar. If you are an admin, but you don't see this option, contact to have it enabled. Click on "New Form" in the upper-right.
Set Up the Form
- Start by setting a name for the form. This does not have to match the name in HubSpot - it's just the name that will appear in SalesIntel.
- Then, select your form type. You will need to know if you plan to serve the form in a HubSpot-hosted Landing Page (HubSpot Landing Page) or embedded on your own site (HubSpot Form).
- Add the Form ID. This value can be found in the URL when you load the form (not the landing page!) in HubSpot as if you were editing. It is a long identifier (~36 characters) that is broken up into 5 sections, like this example: 1c9ad3b2-b5cf-4fa1-80fe-b486dd58c9f2
- Find the API name/Internal name of the field that contains the email. This is your "match" field. FormsIntel is always expecting the key to be an email address - this is the value that will be used to look up the data in SalesIntel. For help finding API names, skip to the section below. This field is case-sensitive.
- If you are using a form embedded on your own site, you will also see a spot for your HubSpot Account ID. This eight-digit number can always be found in the HubSpot URL or in the user menu under the dropdown in the upper-right.
Map Your Fields
On this step, you'll tell SalesIntel which fields to fill in your form with which data. Only map fields that you want SalesIntel to fill. If you have fields for the prospect to complete themselves, do not map those to any SalesIntel data on this step.
The fields shown on this screen represent the SalesIntel data available. Data may describe a contact (in the top section) or a company that the contact belongs to (in the bottom section). Identify the fields that you'd like to enhance your form data with. You may select as many fields as you'd like, but you need to have a unique field on your form corresponding to each data point you'd like to receive.
In the empty box next to the data field, type the API/Internal name of the field in HubSpot. For help finding API names or to use fields that are not on the Contact object in HubSpot, skip to the section below. This field is case-sensitive.
Generate and Place the Script
The final step of the process is to generate the FormsIntel script and place it on your website. Once you save your field mappings, you will see your form script. Even if you change your mappings, the script will not change - you do not need to update it. Each form configuration will have a unique script, however.
On a HubSpot landing page, simply place this script in the Footer HTML for the landing page where the form will be (Settings > Advanced). When using a form embedded on your own site, ask your website developer to add the script to the footer of the page where the form is. It is important that the script loads AFTER the form; since most sites load top-down, adding the script to the footer generally works well.
Once you have deployed your form and a lead is submitted, you will start to see data available for this form on the FormsIntel tab in SalesIntel
Only form submissions are counted. If a form is filled but not submitted, these counts will not increment. If you are on a credit-based plan, only submissions that contained enriched data will deduct a credit. A form that is not submitted or a submitted form that has no data points enriched will not count towards your credit availability.
Finding HubSpot API Field Names
When configuring your form, you'll need to reference HubSpot's API or internal field names in order for the form script to find the right fields in your form. These can be found in HubSpot when you access your form directly. For each field, you'll see a friendly name (like "Mobile Phone Number") and the API name in italics (like mobilephone). You'll want to use this API/internal name when setting up your configuration. This field is case-sensitive.
If you are using fields that are not on the Contact object, you must take one additional step to identify the full name for your field. First, to determine what object your field is on, look at the field on your form. The object will be noted next to the field name. If the field is on the Contact object, use the API name as shown on the field. If the field is not on the Contact object, those fields must be prefixed with the object identifier
To find the object identifier, access that object in HubSpot using the navigation menu in the top left. Then view the url. The object identifier will come after “objects” in the url. For example in, the object id is 0-2.
To put this all together for your form configuration, you will use the <object-id>/<internal name>, like 0-2/si_annual_revenue. This is the value that will be added to the SalesIntel mapping. Do not append an object id for fields on the contacts object; just use the internal name.