VisitorIntel is an add-on feature. If you do not see VisitorIntel in your SalesIntel navigation bar, please reach out to your success team or to inquire about adding this feature.
VisitorIntel showcases companies visiting your website as a measure of in-market activity or intent. By adding the javascript tag to your web pages, and comparing visitors IP address and cookie data to exhaust activity from across the web (like logins, formfills, sdk activities, etc), a portion of the website traffic can be identified by company of origin. Please note that individual visitors are not identified during this process.
VisitorIntel helps you to:
- Focus SEO and other marketing campaigns on prospects visiting your website
- Capture warm leads for sales by identifying companies starting their buyer journey
- Understand the impact of your marketing campaigns on driving website visitors
VisitorIntel is best paired with SalesIntel company data. Using the firmographics, technographics, and intent data available in SalesIntel, you'll be able to best prioritize which of your website visitors are strong prospects. When you take the next step and use these companies in a SalesIntel search, you can identify buying center contacts who work at these companies, providing targets for outreach activities, including email, ads, and phone.
VisitorIntel data is refreshed on an ongoing basis throughout the day.