There are two types of user roles in SalesIntel. Additionally, there are entitlements that can be added to these roles.
Admin vs Standard Users
Admin users are able to add new users to a SalesIntel account. They are also able to change certain settings, including selecting Intent topics for the account, selecting Technographic export topics, and setting credit limits. Only Admin users see the Account Settings item in their Welcome menu.
Admins are also the only users able to access FormsIntel settings and create new form integrations.
Creating, removing, or restoring users
Admin users can create, remove, or restore users by going to Account Settings > Users.
- Create a new user by sending an invite to their email address. If your account does not have enough available licenses, a new user cannot be created until an existing user is removed.
- Remove users with the red delete button
- Restore users with the blue restore button
By default, deleted users are hidden from view. Select the Show Deleted Users option to reveal them.
An admin may reach out to their Success team or to add more admins to their account or to promote a regular user to admin status.
Additional Entitlements
CRM Admin
A CRM Admin entitlement can be added to an admin user. Only one admin per integration per account may be added. A CRM Admin can control the export settings for all users on the account, including field mappings and other metadata, ensuring data integrity and adherence to policy. Once a CRM Admin is added, users and other admins will be able to view their settings, but will not be able to change them. They will see a message accordingly.
A CRM Admin in good standing (an active user with an integrated account) is required for Salesforce enrichment.
To set, change, or remove a CRM Admin reach out to your Success team or CRM Admins can be added to HubSpot, Microsoft Dynamics, Salesforce, and Zoho integrations. A different CRM Admin can be used for each integration, if needed.
Operations Admin
An Operations Admin entitlement can be added to any admin user. Multiple Operations Admins can exist on your account. The Operations Admin role extends the CRM Admin role so that multiple users can help manage CRM and integration settings. Any Operations Admin can manage field mappings and other settings, just like a CRM Admin. An Operations Admin is only functional when there is a CRM Admin in place for the integration in question.
Only Operations Admins can make changes to enrichment settings and jobs in the Salesforce Managed Package.
To set, change, or remove an Operations Admin, reach out to your Success team or
Chrome-Only (aka Read-Only) User
A Chrome-Only User is a restriction added to any user account. With this restriction in place, they cannot access the SalesIntel web application. These users are limited to access via RevDriver only. To create a Chrome-Only User, reach out to your Success team or