There are three types of credits for each function available in your account. Depending on your contract, you may have some or all of these balances.
1. License Credits: License credits are a monthly allocation of credits that are available per seat on certain SalesIntel contracts and plans. These credits refresh monthly, and you may roll over up to a total of 3x your credit allocation, if your contract allows. For example, if your contract provides each license with 1,000 export credits per month, each user may accumulate up to 3,000 credits via monthly rollover.
License credits are only available on certain contracts and may apply to Exports, Research on Demand, or both. License credits are always consumed before the shared pool of credits (if applicable).
2. Account Shared Credits: Account Shared Credits are the total contract credits available to be shared across your account. Unless individual credit limits are set, this entire amount is available to all users on the account. Users will always consume license credits first, if applicable and available.
3. Account Shared Credits Assigned to You: Credits Assigned are the number of Account Shared Credits to which you are limited by your admin. Your admin may limit the credits you can consume for the duration of your contract, a rolling one month period, or both. If your admin has not assigned limits, these credit counts will match the account shared credits.
This feature is limited to Export and Research on Demand credits and does not restrict access to license credits, if available on your account. For example, if you have 1,000 license credits and are restricted to 5 shared credits, you will use all 1,000 license credits before accessing shared credits.
If your assigned credits are limited on a monthly basis, it is important to understand that this is a rolling window with a lookback of one month. For example, you are limited 100 credits from the shared pool monthly and consume the following:
- April 14 - 50 credits
- April 20 - 25 credits
- April 28 - 25 credits
As of April 28, all credits are consumed and you may not consume more credits until your total over the last month is below your limit. In this case, 50 credits would be available to you on May 14, and another 25 on each of May 20 and May 25. The Remaining section will show you the balance at any given time.