No contact provider has every contact you need readily available at the highest level of accuracy. As such, SalesIntel maintains high standards of transparency so that you can under the level of accuracy in the data that you see.
By default, you'll see human verified and email verified contacts. Use the slider at the top of your search results to expand to machine verified results.
- Human Verified: Human-verified contacts have every detail on their record reverified by our researchers every 90 days, and are ~95% accurate.
- Email Verified: Email-verified contacts have their emails verified by our research team every 6 months and are ~90% accurate.
- Machine Verified: Machine-verified contacts use our machine-learning engine to verify contact details, and are ~60% accurate.
By default, you'll see human verified and machine verified companies.
- Human Verified: Human-verified companies have firmographics confirmed by our Research Team.
- Machine Verified: Machine-verified companies use public and private data sets to verify account details.
If you are viewing email or machine verified contacts and you find one that you would like to be verified by our research team you can click on “Request Verification.” This will send a ticket to the research team and they will research the contact. Each returned contact will be charged one research credit.
If you click Verify All Contacts, only the Email Verified and Machine Verified will be selected for verification; you will not be charged to have Human Verified contacts re-verified.
If there are multiple individual contacts that you want to be verified by our research team you can do so by clicking on the blank boxes, then selecting “Bulk Actions” and selecting “Request Verification.”
If you are looking at any contacts of any accuracy tier and you identify incorrect information, you can report it by clicking “Report.”
Once you click on “Report” let us know what is incorrect on the record.
Reporting incorrect information and asking for an update will not cost you a research credit.